As an F-1 student, do I need CPT authorization for an internship outside of the U.S.?

Fiona Hunter

Last Update 3 years ago

CPT work authorization is for the USA only. If you receive an offer for another country, you will need work authorization for that country, either as a local citizen or by applying through the employer. If you leave the U.S., remember to let ISSO know.


Due to COVID-19 there may be additional restrictions impacting international travel and in-person working.  Please consult with Education Abroad for the latest information and guidelines.  [email protected] 

The JSOM internship policy does not allow remote working, but with the current COVID-19 unprecedented environment opportunities for remote working are considered case by case. 

- If you remain in the U.S. and request to work remotely for an employer in another country, this would require CPT authorization, and would be declined by ISSO as this is not a U.S. employer.  

- If you are in your home company and are working remotely for a U.S. employer, CPT authorization is required.

Please contact ISSO for any further clarification. 

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