What are the eligible dates for a student to work?

Fiona Hunter

Last Update 2 years ago

A US citizen or Permanent Resident must complete a significant portion of the work during the semester dates.  Request approval on acceptance of the offer or before the start of the special project. (Do not procrastinate and leave it to the last minute to request approval!!)  Retroactive requests are not approved.

 An F-1 student may only work during the dates authorized on their work visa. For current eligible dates, please refer to https://jindal.utdallas.edu/career-management-center/student-resources-cmc/internship-policies-procedures/#reporting Please allow at least 7 business days from acceptance of a job offer for an F-1 student to receive their I-20 work authorization (assumes student reports the internship immediately with all required documentation).

All other students should refer to their Employment Authorization Document (EAD) for the work authorization dates. 

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